Jun 3, 2010

June 3 8:32pm

Okay so I know that this is my third post in one day but I have a lot to say. I thought I should explain the name of my blog. You see when it was suppose to be about the dorm I didn't want anyone to know that I was writing it. Not that they would because like the name suggests I'm not exactly in the spotlight. I have found myself invisible eventhough I'm with a group of people some of which I would call my friends. Some how I fade into the background. But not anymore...I hope. That is the underlying meaning to this blog, for me to break out of my shell sort of speak. I know that some people get annoyed when bloggers don't use their real names but I'm just not ready for that. In the off chance that someone I know reads this blog I would feel awkward. Plus I don't take criticism very well and not using my name allows me to have at least some protection from the comments I have a habit of taking personally. As this will mainly be a place for me to voice my opinions about things that bother me, whether they be personal or political, I hope that if I do develop an audience that you will post some comments of your own. After all there can be no growth or learning without confrontation. Thanks for the time.


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