Jun 7, 2010

MTV awards

Come on people really?! So I am sitting here watching tv as my mom flips throught the channels when she happens to stop on the MTV Movie Awards. The very first award was for best female actress and out of all the options Kristen Stewart wins! I mean how ridiculous can you get. She is such a shitty actress. I'm not afraid to admit that I have read the Twilight books. The acting is nothings like the books. She is so horrible at playing Bella. The only reason that she even won is because of the character that she plays not her acting ability. AHHHHHHH shit shit shit shit!!! That is all.


Jun 4, 2010

No shirt, no shoes, no service

Okay peopleso I work at a grocery store. It was a pretty normal day at the store overall, nothing happened that put me in a bad mood. Now I understand it is hot outside but there is a time and a place for some clothing. Take for example this lady who came into the store wearing a bikini top and a pair of shorts. Nothing against people who are on the larger side as I'm not exactly skinny either but I wanted to yell at this lady to put a shirt on. I was under the impression that there is a policy that says more or less wear clothes when you shop. A bikini top is not acceptable even if the woman didn't look disgusting in it. I mean have some respect for other people shopping. I don't understand how she was comfortable in that. I'm not even comfortable in a bikini at the beach where they belong. For those that argue against me a bikini top is not a shirt it is more like a bra. If you wouldn't walk around in public in just your bra then put a shirt on when you are wearing a swim suit top to go grocery shopping. Okay, thanks. That about covers todays excitement. What an interesting life I live I know.


Jun 3, 2010

June 3 8:32pm

Okay so I know that this is my third post in one day but I have a lot to say. I thought I should explain the name of my blog. You see when it was suppose to be about the dorm I didn't want anyone to know that I was writing it. Not that they would because like the name suggests I'm not exactly in the spotlight. I have found myself invisible eventhough I'm with a group of people some of which I would call my friends. Some how I fade into the background. But not anymore...I hope. That is the underlying meaning to this blog, for me to break out of my shell sort of speak. I know that some people get annoyed when bloggers don't use their real names but I'm just not ready for that. In the off chance that someone I know reads this blog I would feel awkward. Plus I don't take criticism very well and not using my name allows me to have at least some protection from the comments I have a habit of taking personally. As this will mainly be a place for me to voice my opinions about things that bother me, whether they be personal or political, I hope that if I do develop an audience that you will post some comments of your own. After all there can be no growth or learning without confrontation. Thanks for the time.


Rant 1: Mom

I know that deep down inside I love her dearly but my mother drives me crazy. As I am sure is true for many people. Sometimes I swear she is bipolar. One minute she is fine then that next thing I know she is screaming about some stupid little thing. Mostly the anger gets directed at my brother who still lives at home. I feel bad about that because I know that I am his enabler. No matter what I know that I will be the one that takes care of him. We are too much alike for me to see anything bad happen to him. I would feel like the same thing is going to happen to me as well. Anyway, mom is pretty much the typical stereotype. Always with the get a job, do this, do that nonsense. I mean i understand that she is angry that she is supporting an unemployed 25 year old but she just doesn't understand what he goes through when he is around people. Not like you care about my family problems but hey why not? At least this is free people waste money on those stupid tabloids but we will save that for another day. Later


June 3

Originally I started this blog to write about all the stupid drama that went on in my college dorm. As time progressed though I realized I didn't care enough to write about it. Now I'm just going to write about whatever comes to mind. I don't really expect anyone to read this but that's okay because I'm not doing this for others. This is purely for me, a way to express my emotions no matter how happy, sad or anything inbetween they are. As I am not the best speller, if you read this and it bothers you that much I'm sorry. If I can I will fix it but if not then too bad you will just have to deal with it. That's all for now.